Adjusting myself as of the moment because I am back to reality! After 4 months working in the office for 8 hours a day is such a tiring task but fulfilling in other way. From that experience I able to pursue my dream of becoming a career woman and I am looking forward of working there again if given a chance. Only God knows what’s best for me, right? I better give a click here to get more info about this kind of insurance that can suffice my family’s needs in the future.
Monday, May 31, 2010
My Poem of the Day
EVERYTHING turns into REALITY when YOU come into MY LIFE.
IT is not PERFECT but many LESSONS I have LEARNED.
ALL I can SAY is STAY because I LOVE YOU!!!
IT is not PERFECT but many LESSONS I have LEARNED.
ALL I can SAY is STAY because I LOVE YOU!!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
My Future
“Think of your future.” That’s the common line I heard from my mom when I’m still studying. Now I realized that she is the one building our future but we must know how to build it since it is our life. I’m proud of myself because I able to finish my 4 year course even we are experiencing financial problem. Mom’s new line to me is that think of the future of your children because I am now a parent. When she said that it came to my mind to get a whole life insurance because lots of benefits we can get from that. I agree! :)
What Will Your Life Be Like in Ten Years?

Your Life Will Be Calm in Ten Years
You're the type of person who takes things as they come, and you do your best not to worry.
You know that there's a lot in this world that you can't change - and you're not about to try to change it.
You are confident and content. You don't feel like you need to push too hard.
Try to break out of your comfort zone every now and then, though. Have an adventure! You are risking complacency.
You know that there's a lot in this world that you can't change - and you're not about to try to change it.
You are confident and content. You don't feel like you need to push too hard.
Try to break out of your comfort zone every now and then, though. Have an adventure! You are risking complacency.
Hair Talk
According to what I discovered, men are the number one victim of baldness. That’s good news to us girls! Well, I am somewhat keen observer person and I noticed that hubby is going to that point. You know what I mean. There is a certain portion in his head that no hair grows. Gosh! Hubby will be infuriated when he read this post of mine. LOL! What I did is search in the net on how to prevent hair loss and its causes. Hubby must read the information I got yesterday night.
Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

2. Tea has less caffeine than coffee. Coffee usually has two to three times the caffeine of tea (unless you're a fan of Morning Thunder, which combines caffeine with mate, an herb that acts like caffeine in our body). An eight-ounce cup of coffee contains around 135 mg caffeine; tea contains only 30 to 40 mg per cup. If drinking coffee gives you the jitters, causes indigestion or headaches or interferes with sleep -- switch to tea.
3. Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Unwanted blood clots formed from cholesterol and blood platelets cause heart attack and stroke. Drinking tea may help keep your arteries smooth and clog-free, the same way a drain keeps your bathroom pipes clear. A 5.6-year study from the Netherlands found a 70 percent lower risk of fatal heart attack in people who drank at least two to three cups of black tea daily compared to non-tea drinkers.
4. Tea protects your bones. It's not just the milk added to tea that builds strong bones. One study that compared tea drinkers with non-drinkers, found that people who drank tea for 10 or more years had the strongest bones, even after adjusting for age, body weight, exercise, smoking and other risk factors. The authors suggest that this may be the work of tea's many beneficial phytochemicals.
5. Tea gives you a sweet smile. One look at the grimy grin of Austin Powers and you may not think drinking tea is good for your teeth, but think again. It's the sugar added to it that's likely to blame for England's bad dental record. Tea itself actually contains fluoride and tannins that may keep plaque at bay. So add unsweetened tea drinking to your daily dental routine of brushing and flossing for healthier teeth and gums.
6. Tea bolsters your immune defenses. Drinking tea may help your body's immune system fight off infection. When 21 volunteers drank either five cups of tea or coffee each day for four weeks, researchers saw higher immune system activity in the blood of the tea drinkers.
7. Tea protects against cancer. Thank the polyphenols, the antioxidants found in tea, once again for their cancer-fighting effects. While the overall research is inconclusive, there are enough studies that show the potential protective effects of drinking tea to make adding tea to your list of daily beverages.
8. Tea helps keep you hydrated. Caffeinated beverages, including tea, used to be on the list of beverages thatdidn't contribute to our daily fluid needs. Since caffeine is a diuretic and makes us pee more, the thought was that caffeinated beverages couldn't contribute to our overall fluid requirement. However, recent research has shown that the caffeine really doesn't matter -- tea and other caffeinated beverages definitely contribute to our fluid needs. The only time the caffeine becomes a problem as far as fluid is concerned is when you drink more than five or six cups of a caffeinated beverage at one time.
9. Tea is calorie-free. Tea doesn't have any calories, unless you add sweetener or milk. Consuming even 250 fewer calories per day can result in losing one pound per week. If you're looking for a satisfying, calorie-free beverage, tea is a top choice.
10. Tea increases your metabolism. Lots of people complain about a slow metabolic rate and their inability to lose weight. Green tea has been shown to actually increase metabolic rate so that you can burn 70 to 80 additional calories by drinking just five cups of green tea per day. Over a year's time you could lose eight pounds just by drinking green tea. Of course, taking a 15-minute walk every day will also burn calories.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Vit A-Z is what I need
This afternoon, I and my friend dropped by to a store that sells healthy products. One of my plans this year is to take vitamins A to Z. The only problem is that I am so lazy to go to drug store and look for it. I can’t spend time finding the right vitamins for me. Amazingly, I found a colon cleansing product that is costly but the sales lady affirms almost their customers bought such products. Sounds interesting! I’ll save funds for it and will buy soon.
Steps to prevent hair fall

* Ten to twelve glasses of water keeps the internal system flushes and eliminates toxins. Great for your entire system and hair.
* Protein intake is necessary through consumption of leafy green vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
* Brahmi oil is great for a lustrous hair.
* Condition your hair twice in a week. Never apply conditioner to the hair roots which aggravates hair fall.
* Vitamins, iron, protein and other nutrients must be present in your food. Spinach keeps you and your hair hearty and healthy.
* Increase the intake of zinc. This prevents hair loss and premature greying. Food items like wholegrain flour contain zinc.
* Surprisingly, copper, stops hair fall. Contained in the blood serum, it prevents hair fall. Peanuts, cashew nuts, beans, whole milk and seeds contain copper. Have them to check hair loss.
Just try and you will see..
Not easy to solve facial problem especially if you have allergies of oily foods just like my friend. She went to many derma clinic and use the recommended astringent, cream and etc but still it did not works for her. Sad to say but her face has red spots that are so annoying to see. I urge her to look for acne products that our high school classmate’s use for long time. In fairness, she has lucid and good-looking face right now.
I need valid IDs
..done food shopping today! Whew! What a tiring day for me. I went to our barangay hall to get a cedula and a barangay clearance which is one of the requirements needed in getting a postal ID. Unfortunately, the post master who will sign my application form is on leave. She will be back on Monday. Gosh! I cannot make it because I have many things to do at home. But I will try my best so that I can have my valid ID. Next step is getting a passport so that when there is offer abroad I will grab it! LOL! Just kidding guys, I can’t live without my family.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Waiting, Hoping
Hubby is so busy with getting important documents because it is needed in our new venture. I know it’s costly and consumes lot of time. But I know he is determined to push through, so he will get good result after all. I hope and pray that it will start sooner so that they can do marketing to other places and get orders. Certainly, he will buy micro sd because he needs it. This time, praying is what I can help to hubby.
Most of All
In our life there is nothing to worry if you are with God. Even if I am struggling financially, I still able cope up. I always thanked God for that because He never leaves me in the midst of the storm. The most important thing is you can eat 3 times a day or more. And you are healthy plus blessed.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tired, Stress tired day by day because I have work for eight hours a day. After my work I do household chores such as cooking, cleaning the house, washing the dishes and even baby sitting my daughter. Hubby told me to take vitamins so that I will not get sick. I should not get sick because I have no helper to do the things I usually do. For the mean time, I don’t need a helper since I will be living my work soon so I’ll be staying at home while I am looking for a new job.
Exercising Makes Skin Beautiful

1. Sweat cleanses the pores
By exercising, your body will produce a lot of sweat. This sweat can clean the dirt that is clogged in the pores and trigger acne. So, do sport more to clean pores naturally. However, make sure you clean the sweat after exercising.
2. Tightening the skin
Exercise can tighten muscles and the skin becomes more healthy and toned. With muscular arms and legs, your appearance would look more attractive.
3. Preventing wrinkles
Sport will trigger the production of endorphin hormones. This hormone can makes you feel happy and happy people less susceptible to prevent stress. Excessive and prolonged stress can trigger wrinkles faster and cause acne that can damage the skin beauty.
4. Moisturizes
When you do sport you will feel thirsty. To overcome this problem of course you’ll have a drink. When drinking, it is not only overcome your thirst but also resolved to make the skin become more humid and properly hydrated.
Internet is a great help
It is my hobby to look for some tips of everything what’s on my mind that time. I used to surf the net to get comprehensive info, fact that can add more knowledge of some things that I am not familiar with. Then, I’ll post it in my facebook wall so that my friends will know and in that way I can share ideas. For sure they will be thankful to me for that post because it’s a great help for them. Just like what I have discovered yesterday about some tips on how to treat acne that makes me think to share to hubby since he has pimples on his face.
To all Coffee Lovers

Good news for you coffee lovers. A recent study says caffeine intake will help workers with evening shifts avoid mistakes.
Working overtime or night shifts are done by a lot of workers. In a long term this can disrupt the biological time. Some who sleep outside the normal hours have sleep disorders. As a result, the likelihood of errors when working is also higher.
In an analysis of 13 studies of the effects of caffeine on the ability of workers working night shifts, it is known that caffeine will make workers more alert, focused, and enables them to face the challenges so that the errors can be minimized.
Respondents in the research consumed a variety of caffeine, like coffee, pills, energy drinks, food, while others were given a placebo. The result, those who consume caffeine have a better performance than those who received placebo.
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, resulting in increasing ability to recall, concentrae, perception and opinion. However, too muchcaffeine also has side effects. In excessive doses, between 2-7 cups of coffee or more than 250 mg, can cause restlessness, nausea, or headaches. If a higher dose, it can cause emotional disturbances.
Working overtime or night shifts are done by a lot of workers. In a long term this can disrupt the biological time. Some who sleep outside the normal hours have sleep disorders. As a result, the likelihood of errors when working is also higher.
In an analysis of 13 studies of the effects of caffeine on the ability of workers working night shifts, it is known that caffeine will make workers more alert, focused, and enables them to face the challenges so that the errors can be minimized.
Respondents in the research consumed a variety of caffeine, like coffee, pills, energy drinks, food, while others were given a placebo. The result, those who consume caffeine have a better performance than those who received placebo.
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, resulting in increasing ability to recall, concentrae, perception and opinion. However, too muchcaffeine also has side effects. In excessive doses, between 2-7 cups of coffee or more than 250 mg, can cause restlessness, nausea, or headaches. If a higher dose, it can cause emotional disturbances.
Feeling Clean and Fresh
Not everyday I can take a bath in an hour due to I’m in hurry to go to work. If I have no work or during holidays I can say that I am clean and fresh, that’s what I feel. Sometimes I feel itchy because of some pimples in my back. I’m glad I found out in the grocery that there is best acne body wash in which I am looking for many years. Frankly, I am so in particular with cleanliness especially in my body because I don’t want to have bad odor or anything else that can make people judge me.
How to Overcome Anxiety
1. Spa
This relaxation can divert your mind from worry. It is not only can be done at salon, but spa can be enjoyed at home. Many spa guide through CDs or DVDs can be followed at home.
“It only takes a few minutes to listen to instructions from narrator, a soothing voice, which encouraged me to surround myself with the strength, before I really do not feel calm and not too worried,” writes Sara Altshul alternative medicine experts.
2. Eating mango
According to researchers from Japan, the simple act of peeling, slicing, and eating mangoes, can help cool the brain disorder. Mangoes contain compounds called linalool. Research published in the latest edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reveals that inhaling the smell of linalool-rich foods, including basil and lemon, will help to overcome stress and anxiety.
Try to make mango juice with an additional 2 tablespoons honey, 1 / 2 cup orange juice, and 1 / 2 cup plain yogurt with a few ice cubes to ease anxiety and stress.
3. Write a diary
Carol Kryder, PhD, a clinical psychologist and mental health professionals says that writing can be the key to drive away negative emotions, as quoted from JustAnswer.
The diary can be a medium to control the mind. Do not just write down the anxiety, but try imagining a precaution to write about the bad things that might happen.
4. Stimulation of a rubber band
Vandana Bhide, MD, an internist in psychiatric practice in Florida offers light therapy to overcome excessive anxiety. “Put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it slowly to the surface of the skin every time the feeling comes,” he said. “This will remind ourselves to direct the mind.”
5. Eating chocolate
Eating chocolate can help to ease our worries. Research published last year in the Journal of Proteome Research, revealed that those who ate one ounce of dark chocolate every day for two weeks experienced a decrease of stress hormones in the body.
Keeping stress hormones stay in balance can make you better prepared to deal with worries and help you deal with life problems that are not stable. If you really want to ease your worries; it is highly recommended for you to choose dark chocolate which is rich in antioxidant.
6. Yoga
Many studies reveal a connection between fitness and mental condition. Florida Fitness Trainers, Equinox Kalicinski Sylvia, says that yoga is the best exercise to help control the anxiety.
“Yoga teaches you how to breathe while facing a difficulty, to direct the mind and energy while becoming more aware of your reaction,” she said. “Yoga is a tool that helps you reset your nervous system and one of the most is powerful tool for relieving stress.”
This relaxation can divert your mind from worry. It is not only can be done at salon, but spa can be enjoyed at home. Many spa guide through CDs or DVDs can be followed at home.
“It only takes a few minutes to listen to instructions from narrator, a soothing voice, which encouraged me to surround myself with the strength, before I really do not feel calm and not too worried,” writes Sara Altshul alternative medicine experts.
2. Eating mango
According to researchers from Japan, the simple act of peeling, slicing, and eating mangoes, can help cool the brain disorder. Mangoes contain compounds called linalool. Research published in the latest edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reveals that inhaling the smell of linalool-rich foods, including basil and lemon, will help to overcome stress and anxiety.
Try to make mango juice with an additional 2 tablespoons honey, 1 / 2 cup orange juice, and 1 / 2 cup plain yogurt with a few ice cubes to ease anxiety and stress.
3. Write a diary
Carol Kryder, PhD, a clinical psychologist and mental health professionals says that writing can be the key to drive away negative emotions, as quoted from JustAnswer.
The diary can be a medium to control the mind. Do not just write down the anxiety, but try imagining a precaution to write about the bad things that might happen.
4. Stimulation of a rubber band
Vandana Bhide, MD, an internist in psychiatric practice in Florida offers light therapy to overcome excessive anxiety. “Put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it slowly to the surface of the skin every time the feeling comes,” he said. “This will remind ourselves to direct the mind.”
5. Eating chocolate
Eating chocolate can help to ease our worries. Research published last year in the Journal of Proteome Research, revealed that those who ate one ounce of dark chocolate every day for two weeks experienced a decrease of stress hormones in the body.
Keeping stress hormones stay in balance can make you better prepared to deal with worries and help you deal with life problems that are not stable. If you really want to ease your worries; it is highly recommended for you to choose dark chocolate which is rich in antioxidant.
6. Yoga
Many studies reveal a connection between fitness and mental condition. Florida Fitness Trainers, Equinox Kalicinski Sylvia, says that yoga is the best exercise to help control the anxiety.
“Yoga teaches you how to breathe while facing a difficulty, to direct the mind and energy while becoming more aware of your reaction,” she said. “Yoga is a tool that helps you reset your nervous system and one of the most is powerful tool for relieving stress.”
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