Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Friendly Advice

Losing weight takes time for so many reasons. One of it is that if you are ready and determine to lose weight. The next question is that can you take it? Moreover, you will implement self-discipline to obtain your desired weight. But if you want a speedy result try taking Stimerex ES.

It will depend on you on how you can handle it as long as you believe that you can lose weight in your wish period of time.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2009 List

Before the year end, I made a list.

These are my list that I did for this year 2009.

1. Blogging the whole year even during weekends.
2. Working the whole year except weekends.
3. Doing unending household chores.
4. Accepting the role of a mom and a wife.
5. Hunting jobs online when I am jobless.
6. Writing articles for my boss.
7. Looking for water filters because it is needed at home.
8. Surfing the net for the whole week.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weekend Fun

Undeniably teenager boys were addicted on playing online games. Just like my brother who joined his peers in playing online games until morning during weekend. They are having fun with it. This morning my brother asks me to look for xbox games. For sure he is planning to buy it because one of his friends has internet café. I heard that they will play again next week. That is their bonding time because they are all professionals. Lets’s enjoy life!

How Much Do You Know About Blogging?

I took the blogthing’s test. The question is “How Much Do You Know About Blogging?”.

This is the shame I did not pass..LOL!

Well, You Know What a Blog Is...
You got 3/8 correct!

But, truthfully, most blogs probably bore you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kyla needs this!

Not to be proud of, my hubby, daughter and I have our own computer. My daughter has a mini laptop because she likes to play online games and facebook. My hubby has his own personal computer because he is a video editor. I have my own laptop because I am working online. But my daughter’s laptop needs computer memory because it’s too slow when browsing in the net. Hubby is looking for it because Kyla keeps on complaining her mini laptop. She is a computer wizard too like hubby. What a little girl we have! Keep it up my dear daughter.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Affordable Eyeglasses

Undeniably, even children wear eyeglasses because of many reasons. Some reasons are because of heredity and for not taking care of their eyes. The solution is that you will wear eyeglasses to see clearly what you are looking.

Good thing there is affordable $8 Prescription Zenni Glass for everyone. Zenni Optical has Holiday Fun Eyeglasses to choose from that you can give to your loved ones this upcoming Christmas day. You can find their New Arrivals at

10 Things You Can Do to Get People to Comment on Your Blog

  1. Invite Comments
  2. Open Ended Posts
  3. Ask Lots of Questions
  4. Respond to Existing Comments
  5. Setting Rules
  6. Show Some Humility
  7. Controversy
  8. Graciousness, Admit When You Are Wrong
  9. Don't Make it Hard to Comment
  10. Make It Worth Their While

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tips on Blogging

1. Your blog must have its own topic wherein you write about. Just like looking into its category of where it belongs.

2. Choose the right template for your blog that is eye-catching to your audience.

3. Keep on posting on your blog so that your audience will keep on visiting your blog.

4. Write the right content for your blog which is in relation to the topic you have chosen.

I hope it can help you guys. :)

Before I will go to bed, I better look for ski vacations because my well off Aunt requested it. Hmm..I hope she will include me on her upcoming vacation.