Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cousin, Try this!

Losing weight takes time, right? I asked you about these guys because I have a friend who is so fat. Amazingly, she gains weight for a month I guess. I can’t believe it because I knew her that she eats too much. I heard from her cousin that she is taking weight loss supplements that are very effective. She loses weight rapidly huh. That’s a good idea for my cousin because she is chubby and that her fiancé is coming so soon. Cousin wants to impress her fiancé of course. Domains for Individuals

Express yourself with an domain

* Get a domain as (or any name you want)
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* Setup multiple blogs
* Connect and interact with family, friends and people who share the same interests
* Refined privacy settings let you control what specific viewers can see

Sign up here..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why I am blogging?

It is because this is one of my hobbies. Since elementary until high school, I always participate in writing contest. Not to boast I won! I want to write everything under the sun. From that time I write my composition such as poems and articles in my small notebook. And now, I am writing and publishing it online through blogging. I am happy that I can still continue my writing skills here.

Thanks to all my readers and viewers of this blog.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sick but Busy

The weather is cold and so it makes me lazy. I want to sleep the whole day but I have work online. I need to pass my daily report regarding my task to my boss. There is no time to relax. Whew! I hope my plan in traveling on the other side of the world will come true. I must be dreaming. Before I will park my pen, I will do a research about life insurance quotes. My affluent needs it while she is alive and kicking. That’s a good idea, right? Better get one guys for your future sake.

10 Blogging Tips for 2009

Blogging Tip #1: Post Regularly. Readers will be more likely to follow your blog if you have a regular posting schedule. Post weekly, post bi-monthly, post monthly — it doesn’t matter what it is (although it should be at least once a week in my opinion) — but stick to a schedule.

Blogging Tip #2: Use Plugins. Plugins like “relevant posts”, “most popular posts” and “recent posts” make your blog more sticky because they encourage readers to hang around longer. The longer a visitor is on your blog, the better chance you have of converting them into a customer. And that, remember, is the goal when you’re in business.

Blogging Tip #3: Post from Experience. I like first-hand information. In fact, many web surfers are looking for this type of info. It’s no coincidence that “how to” information is the number one selling product on the web. Most of it comes from first-hand information.

So use case studies, write in the first person (eg, use “I”), tell your readers how you solved a particular problem, etc. I sell a lot of ebooks by doing just this. It lets readers know that you know what you’re talking about; hence, you become an authority voice in your niche.

Blogging Tip #4: Niche It. Speaking of niche – clearly define who your audience is and speak to them – and only them – directly. You will get ancillary customers/clients/readers as a matter of course. BUT, you should always blog with your core audience in mind.

Blogging Tip #5: Comment on Other Popular Blogs in Your Niche. Make relevant posts on other authority blogs in your niche. The key word here is r-e-l-e-v-a-n-t.

Blogging Tip #6: Write Well. Make your post long, make it short, make it mid-length, but by all means, write well. This cannot be taken for granted. I don’t care how salient your post is, if it’s poorly written, you will not be taken seriously. In fact, you can even damage your online reputation.

It’s probably no coincidence that the alphabet and sentence construction are among the first things we learn in school. It’s the foundation of communication — so don’t waste it; use it.

Blogging Tip #7: Market Your Blog. Don’t post it and forget it. This is your chance to use sexy marketing like social networking. Market your posts on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc.

Remember, once you start with social networking though, you have to engage with those communities. So when you start to incorporate social networking into your blog marketing, do it with this in mind.

Blogging Tip #8: Use a Clean Design. A blog doesn’t have to have all the latest gadgets to be effective. A simple, clean design – with good content – will compete with the flashiest design every time. Simplicity rocks!

Blogging Tip #9: Personalize Your Blog. Inject some personality. Let YOU come through!

Blogging Tip #10: Don’t Give Up. Blogging is tedious, boring, monotonous and downright draining at times. Once you’ve blogged for a while, there will be days when you just want to chuck it in favor of something more exciting.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kyla wants this!

Every time we go to the shopping mall my daughter Kyla requests us to go to a play house. Kyla wants to play there with other children. She loves to slide. We will stay there for an hour or more. I am happy that she makes friend with other kids in there. If only I have lots of money and huge house with big lawn. I will surely buy swing sets so that we don’t need to go to a play house. But her granny promised that she will buy one for her only grand daughter soon. Mom really spoiled my daughter. Whew!

The Premier Blogging Service

TypePad is the premier blogging service for professionals, hosting many of the world’s most popular blogs and small business websites. TypePad’s ease of use enables you to create a blog in minutes.

* Build your own design with TypePad's template builder and customize colors, fonts, borders, your blog's header image and more. (Plus, Pro and Premium levels)Build your own design with TypePad's template builder and customize colors, fonts, borders, your blog's header image and more. (Plus, Pro and Premium levels)

* Edit the HTML of individual posts, if you need additional control.
* Insert photos into your posts quickly with automatic resizing and thumbnails.
* Get interactive with videos and podcasts as easily as pushing a button.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Repair is Recommended

Last week I noticed that we need kitchen utensils be place in proper because there is so many cockroaches roaming around. Grrr! I hate them! They are so grimy!

One thing I noticed in our kitchen area is that we need copper sinks for I know it’s durable. I told hubby about it and he said that we will save bucks for it. I am happy that he agreed to my idea because all I want is to make our home look orderly and pleasant too. This is our house now so we are responsible to repair it.

Define BLOG

A blog (a contraction of the term "weblog")is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (artlog), photographs (photoblog), sketches (sketchblog), videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Micro-blogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.
As of December 2007, blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 112 million blogs.